Fuel gas cleaning system with fluidized bed cooler


Orderer: Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft




The Fraunhofer institute "Fabrikbetrieb und -automatisierung" in Magdeburg commissioned the VER Verfahrensingenieure GmbH with the planning and construction of a fuel gas cleaning plant.


The heart of this system is the fluidized bed cooler, developed by VER Verfahrensingenieure GmbH, with integrated fuel gas pipe register for fast gas cooling after combustion chumber (cooling from 700°C to 100-150°C). It is already in the fluidized bed tar components are absorbed on the vortex-material.


This is followed by a dry gas cleaning through a dust filter and a further cooling of the fuel gas by a heat exchanger. After compression, a part of the treated fuel gas recirculate for stability of the fluidized bed cooler. The fuel gas can be used as a pure as for other applications.





More Information can be found here.