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Lecture at SINERGIE Studenteninitiative für Nachhaltige Energien e.V.

(students Initiative for Sustainable Energy)
In order to present an alternative use of lignite was Ing. Norbert (CEO VER Verfahrensingenieure GmbH) "to carry water to the desert," a lecture. The concept represents a chance for the desert region to gain from brown coal electricity, methanol and water.
Link to lecture

Press release by the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety of 02/11/2011
Promotion of DEUSA International GmbH for the project to rebuild the gasification plant with almost 2 million € from the Environmental Innovation Program of the Ministry...
Förderung DEUSA02112011.pdf
PDF-Dokument [10.9 KB]
Press release of the TED-Supplement to the Official Journal of the European Union on 15/02/2011
Supplies for the VER GmbH, a fuel gas conditioning for Fraunhofer Society...
Liefervertrag IFF.pdf
PDF-Dokument [105.7 KB]
Press report on the project Willmersdorf (CombiPowerSNG-process) on 22/10/2010
Electricity and heat from indigenous wood - In Willmersdorf is a biomass-gasification-plant to built...
PDF-Dokument [164.3 KB]

Notice of September 2009

Cooperation with Buss-SMS-Canzler GmbH

Notice Buss-SMS-Canzler GmbH

Report on new treatment methods for the shredder fractions from 01/09/2008
Dr. B. Kummer (BDSV)
Veröffentlichung der wierec-VER-Reshverg[...]
PDF-Dokument [148.1 KB]