Important facts about us



  • 1992: Foundation of the VER Ver- und Entsorgung von Reststoffen GmbH (supply and disposal of waste materials),
  • 1996: Foundation of the VZR Verwertungszentrum Reichstädt (recycling center),
  • 2003: Restructuring, takeover VZR by BUD GmbH,
  • 2005: Foundation of the VER Verfahrensingenieure GmbH (process engineering),
  • 2012: Foundation of the VZR Verfahrenszentrum Reichstädt GmbH,
  • 2019: Restructuring, VER GmbH takes over the operation of the DFT plant in the Reichstädt property.



  • stem from employees with special know-how
  • free engineers in close cooperation in applied research and university research
  • fixed network service providing engineers and partner companies with whom we plan and build plants


Costumer groups and users